Fun Things I Did Today (March 30, 2021)
Luckily I got it figured out in just a few minutes, somehow the boot drive order got mixed up. I was really worried my Windows install had been wiped out or something!
I then had plenty of time to finish getting the Rhea Ripley Royal Rumble 21 card with both teams in Team Road to Glory!
After watching the Announcement video for WM37 tier on up up down down, I tried the demo of Immortals Fenyx Rising and thought it was pretty cool! I’m debating whether I should buy it on sale or just get a Ubisoft+ subscription… I was then teased by Origin thinking Biomutant is out since it is listed in Play, but it isn’t available until the end of May! So I think it’ll be Fenyx in the meantime.
Other than that, just trying to make up for lost sleep. The plan for tomorrow is to sell my old video card and get some component upgrades for my pc! The stock cpu cooler does a great job but golly it’s loud! I’m going to try my hand at an AIO water cooling kit!