Daily Photo - June 23, 2012

More progress on the toys, I'm hoping to finish the bodies of the jacketless devils tonight so they can have their capes glued on tomorrow morning. I forgot that I need to paint the faces on the heads that will go on this batch, so I will try to get that done tonight as well!I feel like the purple sections could be more even, but I don't really know the exact mix of blue and purple I used. That could potentially make mismatched spots that look just as uneven. I'll just claim it adds character!Health update... at the moment I'm feeling alright. This morning the hives came back in a big way, and my top lip was pretty swollen. Crossing my fingers for nothing weird like that to happen again tomorrow so that I can be as healthy as possibly when I fly out to California on Monday!


Daily Photo - June 24, 2012


Daily Photo - June 22, 2012